Authors, have any of the following things ever happened to you after publishing your book?

  • Your book receives a positive review from a prestigious source.
  • Your book wins a literary award.
  • You, or your book, are featured or mentioned on a talk show, YouTube channel, publication or blog.
  • Oprah, Reese Witherspoon or another celebrity selects your book for their book club.
  • Your book becomes a bestseller.

These are major accolades that should be shared with the world. But how do you share these literary successes without reprinting your books? Look into printing custom labels.

Why Custom Label Printing?

To have to reprint a new batch of books would be expensive. Besides, you want to sell all of your current copies before ordering more. A low-cost, effective option would be to buy custom printed labels for books. This way, you can choose the messages, shapes, sizes and materials for the labels that are most appropriate for the message you want to convey. Common messages you see on book covers at books stores include, but are not limited to:

  • “New York Times Best Seller”
  • “Winner of ... Award?
  • “As Seen On ...” or “Featured In...”
  • “Oprah’s Book Club”

Your book can feature these kinds of highlights without high costs or long waits. You can see these accolades printed in starburst shapes in various colors within 24 hours. With customization, you select the shapes and sizes that best fit your book cover. To make sure your literary success really stands out, these highlights can be printed on gold or silver foil. As you can see, custom labels on book covers are a low-cost, effective way to share your literary successes — your way — with the world.

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