CWA Honors National Poetry Month

Poetry Spotlight with Noelle Sterne

April is National Poetry Month. An annual event that celebrates this beautiful, ancient art form through a myriad of activities, awareness programs and educational workshops.

National Poetry Month was originally established by the Academy of American Poets in 1996, and has reportedly become one of the largest literary celebrations in the world.

Learn more about it and how you can participate on local and national levels.


In honor of this, today we'd like to share the work of author, writer and poet, Noelle Sterne.

We hope you enjoy!




Sly invention, the comma.

It coaxes out your writing self in countless curling ways,

scorning old-school sentence length.

It spurs charmed surrender to your mind's billowing.

It stretches you to glorious heights of sparkling creativity,

a holiday tree astounding all guests.

Expect me now to flaunt a single showpiece sentence

of forty-five comma-draped lines?

Preferring a quieter paean, I won't.


© 2018 Noelle Sterne

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