- Karen Wojcik Berner
- http://www.karenberner.com
- http://karenwojcikberner.blogspot.com
- Throughout my career, I’ve focused on one thing — helping people tell their stories. I’ve written countless blogs, articles, and social media posts for corporations, publications, and nonprofits. I’ve been fortunate to help tell some great stories from musicians and entertainers to real-life heroes like firefighters and people living with devastating diseases. I’ve also assisted corporations, like PEAK6, Chromoflo Technologies, and the National Safety Council, get their messages out to the masses. I’ve contributed to several blogs, including Writer Unboxed, Women’s Fiction Writers, and Fresh Fiction, as well as writing my own blog, Bibliophilic Blather, for nine years. Along with discussing various books, I wanted a place where indie authors could get their work noticed, so I created ”Flash Fiction Fridays,” which highlighted four themed stories every month. Another feature, “Editing for Grammarphobes,” provided handy tips to enhance all forms of writing from daily emails to articles to books. Awhile back, I edited two trade magazines — Fire Chief and Paint & Coatings Industry — frequently working on pieces written by people in those industries, not professional writers. I’ve also edited blog posts for Team PHemomenal Hope, a nonprofit organization that seeks to improve the quality of life for people dealing with pulmonary hypertension, and volunteer as an editor for book reviews for the Chicago Writers’ Association. I live and breathe AP Style, but love a good Oxford comma. After my second son was born, I took some time off to be a stay-at-home mother, during which I ended up writing three novels, a short story, and some flash fiction. "A Whisper to a Scream" was a 2009 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Quarterfinalist. "Until My Soul Gets It Right" was a 2013 Big Al's Books & Pals Readers' Choice Nominee. "A Groovy Kind of Love" was a 2015 Chicago Writers' Association Book of the Year Nominee and a 2015 Big Al's Books & Pals Readers' Choice Nominee. All three, along with my short story, "A Bibliophile Christmas," were Amazon bestsellers.
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