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  • douglas johnson
  • My name is Doug Johnson. I live in Gurnee. I’m married and have two wonderful teenage daughters. I have a BS from SIU. I’ve worked as a Computer and Software Validation manager in the Medical Device industry for about 23 years. This included lots of technical writing for documents submitted to the FDA for product approvals. Very boring writing.
    I’ve loved to write since I was little. I prefer to write fiction based on everyday life and often use events and characters from my past. Aside from professors until recently, only family and friends have read what I’ve written. I recently attended the Summer Northwestern Writer’s Conference and really enjoyed it.
    My most memorable moment hasn’t happened yet. My goal is to publish a short story or find a way to share my stories with others. I’ve decided to get serious about writing and learning the art of writing and storytelling. I’m currently taking a Creative Writing course at the College of Lak County and next semester will take the next level of Creative Writing.
    As a member of the Chicago Writers group, I’d like to learn from the experience of the other members. I hope to learn more about the craft of writing and the processes associated with it.