HS Booster Club Seeks Author Book Donations

The Palatine High School Pirate Booster Club is looking to highlight Chicago-area writers at its 2017 Palatine High School Dinner Auction, which raises money to support student education and scholarships. If you are an author who would be willing to donate a signed book for the dinner and auction on March 3, 2017, download the PHS donation form and tax i.d. letter for your tax deduction purposes. This fundraiser benefits programs for all Palatine High School students, as they provide financial grants for multi-disciplinary, academic, athletic, and musical programs. They also provide scholarships for college-bound seniors who best personify the Booster mission. All of these programs enhance the learning experience and help prepare PHS students for the challenges of a complex and changing world. You are in a unique position to inspire and shape our younger generations. PHS is hopeful that you will help them with their fundraising efforts by making a contribution.

The booster club is a not-for-profit organization and your generous donation may be fully tax-deductible.

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